Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lyme follow up/side effects and homeopathy

Some people have asked for clarification of my previous posts on LYME disease.

Lyme is about as tricky a bug as we humans can be challenged to deal with effectively. I see so many clients (including dogs) who have been on Doxycycline for an initial 3 month treatment and then get continued for additional months. First of all the magic bullet thinking, one size fits all is at the core of allopathic treatment. The thinking is that a synthetic medication ie drug that statistically is effective to treat an organism will be effective for everyone. Unfortunately, this is not true for the percentage of people for whom that drug will not resonate with their body. How to assess that ? I use my electro dermal screening device to make sure that what ever nutritional support or natural antibiotic or medication that clients bring in, TEST POSITIVE on the machine to increase the reliability that what I am using will really work. There are many reasons for antibiotic resistance when people take a medication or herbal that is only based on what they have read or someone told them " oh this works for your named symptom picture or disease." Impaired immune function that decreases the body's ability to respond to any natural or synthetic drug can be from a variety of reasons such as heavy metal toxicity, nutrient depletion, or simply the way that bacteria or virus lives in the body does not respond well to a statistically effective medication.

So I have learned to appreciated resonance and to look carefully at interferences. Resonance allows me to appreciate what will this INDIVIDUAL person's body accept and use well given all of their strengths and weaknesses. Just taking an herb or any vitamin just to treat some named disease is not as effective as comprehensively testing and asking the body " what will assist healing to clear and balance increased organisms ie Lyme, strep, etc. Interference blocks the effectiveness of any kind of treatment. So often people with Lyme might have allergies or tendencies for Candida or other auto immune or hormonal imbalances that undermine and sabotage treatment. Worse, extended use of Doxycycline will challenge anyone to initiate more Candida overgrowth even with good use of probiotics.

Testing for Lyme can be a very confusing process. Some people have positive results for the Western Blot test and do not have an active infection and some people do not test positive to any lab test and yet respond well to homochords and immune support and specific Naturopathic treatment for their immune system. A woman who I have been treating for Lyme saw a infectious disease specialist for Lyme. He said she did not have Lyme, even though her joint pain and neurological symptoms were responding slowly but consistently better with her treatment plans using the correct combinations and amounts of natural antibiotics so she was not at risk for Candida side effects.

Homochords are made on electro dermal machines. They use multiple frequencies (potencies) of the same organism. It can be included as a subset of isotherapy, as when a practictioner uses the same homeopathic remedy ie dust, wheat, or mold antigen to treat an allergy to that very same
trigger. The difference is that in isotherapy one is using only one potency at a time. Homochords
use several to many different frequencies in the same remedy to address different levels of how that organism needs to be cleared from the body. Homochords are NOT available to buy that I know unless they are made up individually by a practictioner based on what a person needs at that time. I sometimes will change the frequencies in a homeopathic every 3-6 weeks depending on what information I am learning about the progress of clearing. Homochords can be very effective in Chronic Fatigue syndrome, Candida, Lyme, allergy neutralizations, and many other symptom pictures when it is clear what is the specific trigger.

I hope this information is more helpful to add to my last LYME blog. Feel free to pass this on and ask me questions
This is tick season for dogs, despite us four legged possibly being out in the woods less. If you are around dogs, please check your self regularly. Thank you for being open to sort out this sometimes confusing challenges topic. A person does not have to have LYME for years, and yet many people have not cleared it energetically on different levels. They have only treated it on the physical level with antibiotics that are only sometimes totally effective.

Wishing you well

1 comment:

  1. This is a very thorough article. Thank you for sharing this information on Lyme side effects and homeopathy.
    Fertility Naturopath
