Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Prayer :Renew our Resolve to Live in Peace with our Planet

Effects of warming have worsened since Kyoto - The Boston Globe

Nov 23, 2009 ... Effects of warming have worsened since Kyoto ... By Seth Borenstein. Associated Press / November 23, 2009 ... -

I have had an itch I haven't been able to fully scratch since reading the above article 2 days ago in the Boston Globe. I found the article sobering. Then I just came across a Buddhist Declaration being circulated around the globe. AH ! Let's pass this around to our friends and neighbors; people of all faiths and points of view can gather this holiday with our families and friends and ask one another to step up our awareness of what we are each doing to walk more lovingly on the earth. Whether you are a Buddhist or not, thank you for reading both these articles and consider sharing them with 10 people before this holiday weekend is over.

Let's make this THANKSGIVING holiday a time for gratitude for being alive and appreciating the gift of life. Let's acknowledge mother earth and look at how we can each take better care of what she needs.
The following is something you can sign and pass on to others making a wider circle of healing for our planet. If the above article is pretty somber. This Declaration is a stand and committment
we all can be proud to create and bring forth.

Thanks for reading these articles, signing the declaration and passing both on to your friends and family that you want to have as your partners in this healing work

Enjoy this Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend.
Be grateful for the people in your life who have supported you and held you up in the LIGHT in this past year.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The research on the substance “Resveratrol” is exciting indeed. Now it has gotten the attention of the show 60 Minutes. It has been shown to optimize the aging process, extend healthy life, and be preventive for a variety of serious chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and alzheimers. Further, it is shown to enhance exercise performance, support healthy metabolism and support weight balancing. The research has all been done on the naturally occurring substance found in abundance in the skin of the French red wine grape.

This may explain the French Paradox.

But before you try to drink your way to the promises of Resveratrol, realize that the number of bottles of French red wine per day needed to concentrate enough Resveratrol in order to achieve the promise of the research is far too great to consume – even for the greatest of wine enthusiasts. No one should drink 50 plus bottles of wine per day, no one!

A substance that occurs in nature can not be patented, so the drug company Glaxo Smith Kline is working on a synthetic version of Resveratrol, because the real thing is so exciting and the exclusive rights to the real thing can not be owned and controlled. Researchers expect that a drug company will develop and sell a drug that contains the synthetic version of Resveratrol and make it available to the public, within our life time.

What is even better is that the real thing is available now as a naturally occurring substance and in the form of a nutritional supplement so the cost is low and no prescription is necessary.

The challenge lies within the quality, form and dosage of Resveratrol. The research and therefore “the promise of Resveratrol” is dependent upon the quality of what is ingested. Unfortunately many forms of Resveratrol sold on the market are only not up to great standards. Clinically they do not work and they gain bad press. Care must be taken to obtain the correct form (trans-resveratrol) in a meaningful higher dose or it simply does not deliver.

Please contact me if you are interested in learning more about superior forms of Reservatrol.

To watch the 60 Minutes clip, simply click here.

Did you know ...
Fountain Of Youth In A Wine Rx? (60 Minutes – CBS)
Seventeen years ago, 60 Minutes first examined the so-called French paradox, which suggested that the French - despite a high fat diet and high consumption of wine - had a remarkably low incidence of heart disease, compared with Americans. Most researchers agreed that there was something in the wine that offered protection, and a few years later, even the highly cautious federal dietary guidelines say that moderate consumption of red wine can be beneficial. Now, scientists across the country have identified a substance in red wine called resveratrol that they believe might do more than just protect the heart, but could - in very high concentrations - significantly extend life by preventing a number of age related illnesses. If they're right, we all may soon be taking a pill that could give us an extra decade or two of healthy old age.

Four More Reasons To Drink Red Wine (Time)
It's common knowledge that a glass or two of red wine a night will do more than enhance a great meal or put you to sleep: it can reduce production of "bad" cholesterol, boost "good" cholesterol and reduce blood clotting, all of which will help reduce the risk of heart disease. But recent studies are showing that wine aficionados may also reap even more benefits, from inhibiting tumor development to helping form nerve cells. Here's a roundup of four recent studies that might encourage you to uncork that bottle of merlot: It Can Help Keep You Fit, It May Help Fight Alzheimer's, It Boosts Heart-Healthy Omega 3 Levels, It May Lower Lung Cancer Risk.

More information is below if want to understand more of the history and background of wine and health benefits of resveratrol.

What is resveratrol:
Resveratrol (trans-3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene), belongs to a class of polyphenolic compounds called stilbenes , found largely in the skins of red grapes and root of Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc ( Japanese knotweed), is a component of Ko-jo-kon, an oriental medicine used to treat diseases of the blood vessels, heart and live.

While present in other plants, such as eucalyptus, spruce, and lily, and in other foods such as mulberries and peanuts, resveratrol's most abundant natural sources are specific grape varieties, ie Vitis vinifera, labrusca, and muscadine grapes, Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb.

Cardiovascular Effects
Many studies suggest that consuming alcohol (especially red wine) may reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD). Several studies have demonstrated that resveratrol is an effective antioxidant. It inhibits lipid peroxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (fat turning into plaque), prevents fat from being toxic to cells. It is thought that because it contains highly hydrophilic (molecules that attatch to water) and lipophilic (molecules that attatch to fat) properties, it can provide more effective protection than other well-known antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E. Reduced platelet aggregation has also been demonstrated in studies on resveratrol, further contributing to its prevention of atherosclerosis.

Cancer-Related Effects
Resveratrol is being studied to see how it affects the initiation, promotion, and progression of cancer. With regard to tumor initiation, it has been shown to act as an antioxidant by inhibiting free radical formation, and as an anti-mutagen in rat models. Resveratrol appears to decrease tumor promotion activity by inhibiting cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1), an enzyme that converts arachidonic acid to pro-inflammatory substances that stimulate tumor-cell growth .

Direct Antioxidant Activity
In the test tube, resveratrol effectively scavenges (neutralizes) free radicals and other oxidants and inhibits low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation .

Inhibition of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation
The proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells plays an important role in the progression of atherosclerosis . Resveratrol has been found to inhibit the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells in culture .

Inhibition of Platelet Aggregation
Platelet aggregation is one of the first steps in the formation of a blood clot that can occlude a coronary or cerebral artery, resulting in myocardial infarction or stroke. Resveratrol has been found to inhibit platelet aggregation in vitro.

Safety & Adverse Effects
Resveratrol is not known to be toxic or cause adverse effects in humans, but there have been few controlled clinical trials.

Pregnancy and Lactation
The safety of resveratrol-containing supplements during pregnancy and lactation has not been established. Since no safe level of alcohol consumption has been established at any stage of pregnancy, pregnant women should avoid consuming wine as a source of resveratrol.

Estrogen-sensitive Cancers
Until more is known about the estrogenic activity of resveratrol in humans, women with a history of estrogen-sensitive cancers, such as breast, ovarian and uterine cancers, should avoid resveratrol supplements (see Estrogenic and Anti-estrogenic Activities above).

Drug Interactions Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Drugs
Resveratrol has been found to inhibit human platelet aggregation in vitro (42, 84). Theoretically, high intakes of resveratrol (e.g., from supplements) could increase the risk of bleeding when taken with anticoagulant drugs, such as warfarin (Coumadin), and antiplatelet drugs, such as clopidogrel (Plavix), dipyridamole (Persantine), non-steroidal anti-inflamatory drugs (NSAIDs), aspirin and others.
More Information on Grape Skin


Botanical: Vitis vinifera
Family: Vitaceae (grape)
Other common names: Red Wine Grape, European Grape
Grape Skin supplement is an easy way to enjoy the many health benefits provided by nutritious grapes. Packed with vitamins and minerals, Grape Skin's proanthocynidins are the phytonutrients that are thought to provide a high degree of antioxidant capacity that fights free radical damage in the body. The resveratrol in Grape Skin is said to help fight carcinogens, lower cholesterol, combat cardiovascular disease and diminish damage caused by stroke.
Grapes appear to have originated in the Mediterannean regions of southern Europe and Middle East, thriving in deep, moist, humus-rich, neutral-to-alkaline soil in sun and warm climates; and the grape's hardiness varies according to the cultivar.
Going back thousands of years, the Grape was a wild vine. If untended, it grows like a tree and wraps around anything in its way, like ivy on walls, and different sub-species were created through natural selection, resulting in mutations of the vine.
Cultivation of the Grape occurred in pre-historic or early historic times in southwest Asia or southern Transcaucasia (Armenia and Georgia), and cultivation of the domesticated grape, Vitis vinifera, spread to other parts of the Old World over the years. Wine is the fermented juice of Grapes, and it has been used in various cultures for at least 4,500 years, originating most likely in the Middle East. Egyptian records, dating from 2500 B.C., refer to wines, and there are frequent references to wine in the Old Testament. Wine was also used by early Minoan, Greek and Etruscan civilizations, and we can thank the Roman army for introducing the rootstocks and winemaking throughout Europe as they created an expanding Roman Empire. Centuries later, the role of wine for sacramental use in Christian churches helped to maintain the industry after the fall of the Roman Empire.
Modern science has now confirmed the health benefits included in the juice, skin and seeds of the Red Grape, and Grape Skin and Red Wine extracts possess high concentrations of proanthocyanidins that confer high antioxidant and free radical benefits, as well as phenolic and polyphenolic compounds (including catechin, quercetin, resveratrol, et al) that combat platelet aggregation (clotting) in the blood. It is interesting to remember the "French Paradox." French diets include more than thirty percent more fat than the diets of Americans, but the French people suffer forty percent fewer heart attacks, and this is said to be due to their consumption of Red Wine. Researchers in France have compiled a guide, or textbook, that outlines the various treatments derived from Grape Seeds, Grape Skins, Red Wine and their respective benefits. The new trend has been dubbed "Vinotherapy," and spas throughout the world are beginning to explore the benefits of Red Wine Grapes as detoxifiers, strong antioxidants and cell regenerators. Grape Skin supplements provide a convenient way to enjoy this simple fruit's many healthy benefits.
Beneficial Uses:
Grape Skin contains high concentrations of the substance, trans-resveratrol, and health industry researchers have found that this substance may be the key to its source as an antioxidant that may help in the prevention of serious infection. According to Northwestern University, the significant amounts of resveratrol naturally present in Grape Skin has demonstrated potentially beneficial properties, including antioxidant, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogen effects.
Recent research shows that trans-resveratrol may interfere with the development of disease by blocking the actions of carcinogens, inhibiting the initiation and proliferation of diseased cells and causing pre-cancerous cells to revert to normal. Grape Skin contains proanthocyanidins, the phytonutrients that provide a high degree of antioxidant capacity that fights free radical damage in the body.
These compounds allow the body's cells to absorb vitamin C, which are thought to be helpful in protecting cells from the free radicals that can bind to and destroy cellular compounds.
These qualities may be helpful in building the immune system and fighting serious malignant disease and other infections.

With regard to good coronary health, Grape Skin may be very helpful in reducing platelet aggregation (clotting) in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis, stroke and heart attacks. Researchers at Northwestern University Medical School have found that a chemical in red wine is a form of estrogen called resveratrol (highly concentrated in the skin of grapes), and it may reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease. ( Resveratrol has a molecular structure similar to that of diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic estrogen.) The resveratrol in Grape Skin is said to raise the levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDLs or "good" cholesterol) in the blood, while decreasing the low-density lipoproteins (LDLs, or "bad" cholesterol) and thereby possibly helping to prevent heart attacks and strokes.
It is also said to prevent fat in the bloodstream from sticking together and clogging the arteries, which is thought to promote better circulation of blood throughout the body, especially to the heart.

Grape Skin may help to minimize brain damage from strokes.
Research has discovered that resveratrol can absorb free radicals, stopping them from doing any more damage to the brain.
The phytonutrients that contribute to the grape vine's resistance to viruses are thought to protect against some viral infections in humans as well.

So the next time you toast your friends, your self, and that special, special person you love with a glass of red wine, think of all the wonderful benefits you are getting. Drink moderately. To get
medicinal amounts of resveratrol, learn about quality and the dose and potency that will be right
for your body. Resveratrol is fast becoming the most exciting neutrcidal that can have
powerful healing effects in many systems of the body.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lyme follow up/side effects and homeopathy

Some people have asked for clarification of my previous posts on LYME disease.

Lyme is about as tricky a bug as we humans can be challenged to deal with effectively. I see so many clients (including dogs) who have been on Doxycycline for an initial 3 month treatment and then get continued for additional months. First of all the magic bullet thinking, one size fits all is at the core of allopathic treatment. The thinking is that a synthetic medication ie drug that statistically is effective to treat an organism will be effective for everyone. Unfortunately, this is not true for the percentage of people for whom that drug will not resonate with their body. How to assess that ? I use my electro dermal screening device to make sure that what ever nutritional support or natural antibiotic or medication that clients bring in, TEST POSITIVE on the machine to increase the reliability that what I am using will really work. There are many reasons for antibiotic resistance when people take a medication or herbal that is only based on what they have read or someone told them " oh this works for your named symptom picture or disease." Impaired immune function that decreases the body's ability to respond to any natural or synthetic drug can be from a variety of reasons such as heavy metal toxicity, nutrient depletion, or simply the way that bacteria or virus lives in the body does not respond well to a statistically effective medication.

So I have learned to appreciated resonance and to look carefully at interferences. Resonance allows me to appreciate what will this INDIVIDUAL person's body accept and use well given all of their strengths and weaknesses. Just taking an herb or any vitamin just to treat some named disease is not as effective as comprehensively testing and asking the body " what will assist healing to clear and balance increased organisms ie Lyme, strep, etc. Interference blocks the effectiveness of any kind of treatment. So often people with Lyme might have allergies or tendencies for Candida or other auto immune or hormonal imbalances that undermine and sabotage treatment. Worse, extended use of Doxycycline will challenge anyone to initiate more Candida overgrowth even with good use of probiotics.

Testing for Lyme can be a very confusing process. Some people have positive results for the Western Blot test and do not have an active infection and some people do not test positive to any lab test and yet respond well to homochords and immune support and specific Naturopathic treatment for their immune system. A woman who I have been treating for Lyme saw a infectious disease specialist for Lyme. He said she did not have Lyme, even though her joint pain and neurological symptoms were responding slowly but consistently better with her treatment plans using the correct combinations and amounts of natural antibiotics so she was not at risk for Candida side effects.

Homochords are made on electro dermal machines. They use multiple frequencies (potencies) of the same organism. It can be included as a subset of isotherapy, as when a practictioner uses the same homeopathic remedy ie dust, wheat, or mold antigen to treat an allergy to that very same
trigger. The difference is that in isotherapy one is using only one potency at a time. Homochords
use several to many different frequencies in the same remedy to address different levels of how that organism needs to be cleared from the body. Homochords are NOT available to buy that I know unless they are made up individually by a practictioner based on what a person needs at that time. I sometimes will change the frequencies in a homeopathic every 3-6 weeks depending on what information I am learning about the progress of clearing. Homochords can be very effective in Chronic Fatigue syndrome, Candida, Lyme, allergy neutralizations, and many other symptom pictures when it is clear what is the specific trigger.

I hope this information is more helpful to add to my last LYME blog. Feel free to pass this on and ask me questions
This is tick season for dogs, despite us four legged possibly being out in the woods less. If you are around dogs, please check your self regularly. Thank you for being open to sort out this sometimes confusing challenges topic. A person does not have to have LYME for years, and yet many people have not cleared it energetically on different levels. They have only treated it on the physical level with antibiotics that are only sometimes totally effective.

Wishing you well

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fruit Anthocyanins

How many years has it been since you started hearing about Flavanoids ? Do you know what they are and how they work ? They are amazing nutrients in the natural color of fruit especially found in the skin. There are 2 formulas I love to use with clients, one is liquid, while the other is a powder. Both are cutting edge in terms of providing quality that is above and beyond many other similar fruit blends. I use a tsp of BIO FRUIT ($ 34 retail, $25 from my pharmacy) in my morning protein shake. After the beloved ND Bill Mitchell of Seattle passed away, his family continues to make a liquid that was one of his favorite therapies for thousands of his patients. The research article below is exciting to scan even for lay people to appreciate the many uses of these concentrated anti-oxidants. His liquid is only sold thru doctors offices.

Several decades ago, the American Cancer Assoc said 90 % of cancer can be prevented by eating 7 cups a day of fruits and vegetable.

Wow ! Who can do that ? With a careful eye for the best of organic green drinks (Best of Greens) and fruit anthocyanins, you can support your body to absorp that extra insurance boost for so many health reasons. Just take a brief look at the information below.

Fruit Anthocyanins

Dr. William Mitchell’s Fruit Anthocyanins

Our Fruit Anthocyanins are an organic dark fruit and berry concentrate designed by Dr. William Mitchell, who pioneered its use as a powerful tool in promoting health. Over the years he modified his blend to achieve optimal clinical health benefits. This product is his final formulation, which he used in thousands of patients for a wide variety of health concerns.

Many scientific studies have been conducted around the world, which have shown that the particular fruit and berries contained in this blend — Red Grape, Elderberry, Blueberry, Aronia Berry, Pomegranate, and Red Raspberry — have extraordinary health benefits. Many of the promising research areas for human health applications are listed below:

Anti-Bacterial Erectile Dysfunction
Anti-Inflammatory Eye Conditions
Anti-Oxidant Gastrointestinal Conditions
Anti-Viral Nerve Conditions
Cancer Obesity
Cardiovascular Diseases Pulmonary Conditions
Connective Tissue Health Skin Health
Dental Health Urinary Conditions

For more information about Dr. Mitchell’s use of the Fruit Anthocyanins in clinical practice, as well as research on the dark fruit and berries contained in this product, click the following links:

Detailed Summary of Scientific Research

Hard to choose I know ....take a look below at the BioFruit Formula. Either the liquid above or the powder BioFruit can be added to spring or well water or some sparkling water to make a delicious soda kids will love. What a great way to ingest extra nutrients during the winter when most of us eat less fresh fruit.


The incredible variety of powerful phyto-nutrients available in fruits and berries is as impressive as the number of fruits and berries themselves. However, the fruits most people regularly eat are not among the most nutritious, and unfortunately, some people do not eat any fruits and berries at all. Poor selection and availability are only some of the problems people face when they try to provide their bodies with meaningful volumes of fruit phyto-nutrients daily. Other problems include high sugar levels in fruits that may affect diabetics or hypoglycemics, pesticide residues that may be very harmful to our health and a simple lack of "tree ripened qualities such as enzymes and minerals that are necessary for complete and proper digestion.

Bio Fruit contains one of the most impressive varieties of guaranteed potency, synergistically balanced, low glucose, pesticide free, phyto-nutrient packed fruits in one place since the Garden of Eden.

Each serving of Bio Fruit contains therapeutic quantities of such diverse fruits and berries that it would be almost impossible to obtain fresh daily supplies. Bio Fruit is convenient, pleasant tasting and reasonably priced. If a consumer were to try to buy all of the supplements that it would take to match the potency in just one jar of BIO FRUIT they could easily spend sixty to one hundred dollars and become a slave to supplements!

The following pure foods are in each 8 gram serving of BIO FRUIT

Prune powder 2400 mg
Apple powder 2000 mg
Blueberry powder 480 mg
Cranberry powder 480 mg
Raspberry powder 400 mg
Tart cherry powder 480 mg
Acerola powder Vit. C 400 mg

Fruit blend containing 384 mg

strawberry, cherry, cranberry, orange, apple, grape, grapefruit, pineapple, lemon, lime, watermelon, red raspberry, pear, mango, papaya, tangerine, apricot

Citrus bioflavonoids 800 mg
Grape Seed Extract 32.8 mg
Bilberry Extract 25% 32.8 mg
Beet powder 80 mg
Stevia Extract 90% 30.4 mg

STRAWBERRY: Seeds, skin and pulp contain anti-cancerous compounds.

CRANBERRY: A valuable source of acids that inhibit urinary tract bacteria.

RASPBERRY: Chosen for deep pigments, robust flavor and acid compounds.

POMEGRANATES: Valued by women for its powerful phyto estrogens.

APPLE: An excellent source of pectin, polyphenols, sorbitol and chromium.

LECITHIN: An excellent brain food containing phospholipids that can enhance memory.

CITRUS: A potent source of the bioflavonoid that create collagen, help our bodies utilize vitamin C and keep our skin and connective tissues firm.

ACEROLA BERRY: One of nature's most potent sources of vitamin C.

SAW PALMETTO BERRY: Contains lipids and sterols that have been shown to help shrink an enlarged prostate.

GRAPE SEED: Contains powerful antioxidants known as OPC's.

BILBERRY: Contain anthocyanins that studies show can improve eyesight.

STEVIA: A natural plant extract useful in regulating blood glucose levels.

Feel free to contact me if you want to learn more than is offered in the above article about how therapeutic amounts of these anthocyanins can be used to fight infections, act as an anti-inflammatory for pain, help stabalize blood sugar for healthy snacking, support healthy gums, healthy skin, improve digestion, and be part of a weight loss program.

In the next blog I will be writing about one of the most powerful anti oxidants reservatrol found in red wine. The research and specific doses I have begun to use in the last few months have shown me some wonderful results. RESERVATROL in the right amount is incredible for energy.
Sorry you can not drink enough red wine to compare to what doses I use in specific formulas to provide reservatrol. Look for my next blog for reservatrol information that I promise will perk your interest.

Happy Eating ! Happy Drinking !

How Blessed we are to eat the Fruits and Vegetables of our Earth. What a GIFT !!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Natural Medicine and LYME Disease

Natural Medicine and Lyme Disease

Have you been walking in the woods or hiking ? Have you ever had Lyme Disease or do you know someone who who has and still might have recurrent symptoms even after treatment ?
I have many patients who seek advice and they wonder if some of their chronic symptoms are Lyme related. Sometimes, about 40-50 % of the time, a tick bite is not even noticed by a person. Many people have chronic symptoms that can be treated and eliminated if they are comprehensive in their treatment protocols. I am reminded of a 55 yo woman I saw this week who is 80 % better, but not until some exploration and careful looking did I use the right homeopathic homocord for LYME and as well as doses of the correct natural antibiotic that most resonated with her body in potencies that were needed to clear the LYME.

Confusing condition
Why is it so difficult to diagnose Lyme disease? Borrelia burgdorferi, a bacterial spirochete, causes the condition. This type of bacteria can invade all parts of the body, including skin, muscles, joints, nervous system, the cardiovascular system, ocular tissue, sinus tissue, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs. Lyme disease can also mimic different illnesses and syndromes. It is an infection that triggers a variety of host responses, depending on the individual. The spirochete actually burrows into lymphocyte cells and depresses the immune system.

The complex interaction of the Borrelia spirochete, the host, and the immune response that the bacterium elicited, can explain the varied and often confusing persistence of fatigue and other symptoms of the chronic Lyme patient, even after antibiotic treatment.

Unanswered Questions

"No one knows why in some patients with late Lyme disease, symptoms eventually diminish or disappear, whereas in other patients, the symptoms persist. The bacteria survive in numbers too low to be detected by conventional tests, yet high enough to produce illness," according to the national Institute of Allergic and Infectious Disease (NIAID). NIAID is now using the term "persistent Lyme disease syndrome" (PLDS). NIAID states, "We don't know whether these symptoms associated with PLDS are caused by one or more of the following: an ongoing infection with BB (Borrelia Burgdorferi), another tick borne pathogen, re-infection with BB, an autoimmune or primary response associated with the initial infection, or some yet-to-be-identified mechanism. Unanswered questions regarding PLDS include:

What type of antibiotics are most effective?
How long should they be taken?
Do benefits last with antibiotic therapy,
and if so, for how long?
What outcomes can be used to determine
a sufficient treatment?

Chronic Lyme disease most often produces persistent arthritis, nervous system problems, and cardiac symptoms. It can have many different presentations, depending on

1) which body system is affected,
2) the individual’s response to the infection, and
3) the time between initial onset and diagnosis.
Patients can go from physician to physician and get multiple diagnoses, including arthritis, anxiety, depression, and neurological problems such as memory deficits and cognitive dysfunction. Cognitive dysfunction involves brain processing and word retrieval, and can present as a brain disorder. Borreliosis causes a chronic infection of the nervous system and may produce a syndrome indistinguishable from multiple sclerosis. Fatigue presents as a spectrum that includes fibromyalgia symptoms, all the way to chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome.


Antibody assays of Borrelia burgdorferi (BB) can provide evidence of current or previous infection. However, positive tests of BB antibodies do not always indicate current infection, and patients with active Lyme disease can test negative on antibody testing.

Lyme disease is a clinical diagnosis. Testing confirms the diagnosis. First-stage testing is the Enzyme Link Immunoabsorbent Test, and Indirect Immunofluoresence Microscopy. Western Blot (immunoblot) assays are used for secondary-level testing. The Western Blot tests the serum for the presence of numerous KDA antibodies (both IgM and IgG), such as the 18, 21-25, 28, 30, 31, 34, 39, 41, 45, 58, 66, 83, and 93. A Western Blot IgM test of two bands (e.g., 23, 42, or 39, 41) is a positive IgM test. Five bands on IgG testing constitutes a positive Western Blot analysis by Center for Disease Control (CDC) standards. This is set up on a research basis to make sure no false positives are included in Lyme studies. Many Lyme-positive patients have evidence of three or four bands on testing. Sero negativity shows about 15% of the time. Sero negativity refers to a negative antibody result, even though the patient has the disease.

There is a good article in the International Journal of Integrative Medicne on all of this information.

Background on Lyme Disease

Lyme disease has become the most common tick-born disease in the United States. the areas at highest risk are the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and Northern California. The most prevalent time of year for infection is from May to September. The deer and mouse population are the reservoir for the disease. Recent studies have found that acorns are food for the white-footed mouse. Oak trees shed their acorns every three years, with 70% to 75% of the trees shedding their acorns in synchronous fashion. It has also been shown that the year after a big acorn drop, increased cases of Lyme disease are recorded, It is possible that this is due to the increase mouse population.(10)

COMPREHENSIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY treatment of Lyme disease begins by considering many variables. It is important to look at the patient’s the entire history and range of symptoms, past immune function problems or infections and allergies or candida. If there was a history of antibiotic treatment, what effects did the person notice. A complete overview of nutritional, hormonal, structural status, and other stress factors could have powerful influences on the immune system is important.

Natural Medicine and Lyme Disease
People with Lyme disease often after nutritional testing need anti-inflammatory nutrients such as fish oil and borage seed oil. . Since muscle pain and spasm are present in many cases, minerals such a calcium/magnesium and magnesium malate are carefully looked and possibly given as extra supplements.. CoQ10, reservatrol, extra Vitamin C, D, and E sometimes are also helpful in the right amounts.

It also is important to look at general toxic loads from pesticides and heavy metals that burden the body and interfere with healing.

When a patient is placed on antibiotic therapy, it is important to offer high quality probiotics (e.g., Lactobacillus, acidophilus or bifidum) and Saccharomyces boulardii. this prevents imbalance in the intestinal flora, which could lead to intestinal dysbiosis (imbalances)

Chronic candidiasis and intestinal dysbiosis are frequently encountered in the treatment of Lyme patients. In some cases, natural anti-fungal formulas can be used. . Occasionally, intestinal cleansing and liver detoxing while using the specific treatments for the LYME is necessary. Different formulas that support the liver such as milk thistle extract can help prevent potential dysfunction of liver enzymes from antibiotic therapy.

Stress and the Lyme Patient
Stress affects the Lyme patient in various ways. The disease is chronic. Obviously, this often creates frustration, anxiety, and fearfulness. Stress can cause immunosuppresion. It can also affect the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal access, manifesting as hypoadrenia. This can exacerbate the prior condition and present as fatigue, chronic exhaustion, chronic dizziness, chronic headache, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, and anxiety.

It is important to provide an integrative program for managing the effects of stress on the body:

1. Relaxation techniques and stress-reduction management, visualization and meditation
2. general immune support using zinc,herbal immune support and thymus activators
4. Endocrine enhancement, concentrating on nutritional and herbal support for the adrenal gland. This includes vitamin C, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, and possibly DHEA
5. If there is considerable stress, emotional and or nerve involvement, theanine, inositol and B
vitamins are tested for whether they resonate with what the person needs.

Preventing Lyme Disease
As with all illnesses, prevention is easier, safer, and less costly than treatment. The following tips may be helpful to avoid infection of the Lyme disease bacterium in the first place.

Avoid tick-infested areas, especially in May, June, and July.

After being outdoors in tick infested areas, remove, wash, and dry clothing.

Wear light-colored clothing so ticks are clearly visible.

Inspect the body thoroughly and carefully. Remove any attached ticks.

Wear long-sleeved shirts, pants, and a hat, and closed shoes and socks.

.Swab the bite area thoroughly with an antiseptic to prevent bacterial infection.

Tuck pant legs into socks or boots and tuck shirt into pants.

If you find a tick, tug gently but firmly with blunt tweezers near the "head" of the tick until it releases it's hold on the skin.

Apply insect repellent to pants, socks, shoes, and exposed skin.

To reduce the risk of infection, try not to crush the tick's body or handle the tick with bare fingers.

Walk in the center of trails to avoid overgrown grass and brush.

Check pets for ticks during tick season. Last night, I took about 6 ticks off one of my dogs.

Again I am grateful for the patience many of the clients I work with have to get to the bottom
of what does their body really need to establish a firm foot hold in the healing process.
Lyme can be very very challenging. Lyme Homocords can be very supportive.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Flu Facts / side effect of Flu vaccine

This short video may have you want to read the following 2 posts to keep you current on the Flu Scare.....There are many healthy options for you to consider to strengthen your body's immune capacity.

Very Sad: Cheerleader Gets A Flu Shot & Now She Can Only Walk Backwards!

Oct. 21, 2009

Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?

CBS News Exclusive: Study Of State Results Finds H1N1 Not As Prevalent As FearedBy Sharyl Attkisson

  • Play CBS Video Video CDC Quiet On Swine Flu Stats

    After repeated attempts made by CBS News asking the CDC to provide state-by-state data of swine flu testing before they halted individual testing and tracking, Dr. Thomas Frieden, CDC Director was asked directly at a recent news conference.

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  • The latest numbers, photos and information to keep you safe.
(CBS) If you've been diagnosed "probable" or "presumed" 2009 H1N1 or "swine flu" in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn’t have H1N1 flu.

In fact, you probably didn’t have flu at all. That's according to state-by-state test results obtained in a three-month-long CBS News investigation.

The ramifications of this finding are important. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Britain's National Health Service, once you have H1N1 flu, you're immune from future outbreaks of the same virus. Those who think they've had H1N1 flu -- but haven't -- might mistakenly presume they're immune. As a result, they might skip taking a vaccine that could help them, and expose themselves to others with H1N1 flu under the mistaken belief they won't catch it. Parents might not keep sick children home from school, mistakenly believing they've already had H1N1 flu.

Why the uncertainty about who has and who hasn't had H1N1 flu? report on H1N1

In late July, the CDC abruptly advised states to stop testing for H1N1 flu, and stopped counting individual cases. The rationale given for the CDC guidance to forego testing and tracking individual cases was: why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic?

Some public health officials privately disagreed with the decision to stop testing and counting, telling CBS News that continued tracking of this new and possibly changing virus was important because H1N1 has a different epidemiology, affects younger people more than seasonal flu and has been shown to have a higher case fatality rate than other flu virus strains.

CBS News learned that the decision to stop counting H1N1 flu cases was made so hastily that states weren't given the opportunity to provide input. Instead, on July 24, the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists, CSTE, issued the following notice to state public health officials on behalf of the CDC:

"Attached are the Q&As that will be posted on the CDC website tomorrow explaining why CDC is no longer reporting case counts for novel H1N1. CDC would have liked to have run these by you for input but unfortunately there was not enough time before these needed to be posted (emphasis added)."

When CDC did not provide us with the material, we filed a Freedom of Information request with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). More than two months later, the request has not been fulfilled. We also asked CDC for state-by-state test results prior to halting of testing and tracking, but CDC was again, initially, unresponsive.

Read This Before You Get That Flu Shot!
HSI Special Report Reveals The Truth About Flu Vaccines

Has your doctor encouraged you to get a flu shot? Perhaps you've heard dire predictions of the "worst flu season in years" and want to make sure you're protected? Well, here's the rub: Flu shots are neither as safe nor effective as you've been lead to believe.

It turns out the government and certain interested parties have worked very hard to convince you the flu vaccine is your best protection against the flu. And that just isn't true. In fact, most of what you've been told about the vaccine is a myth.

This special research alert from the researchers at the Health Sciences Institute (HSI) debunks those myths with the facts. For example, you've probably seen this very scary (but not quite true) statistic put out by the CDC: "The flu kills 36,000 people each year."

The facts are quite different, however. When the HSI research team dug deeper they found that, according to a 2005 report from the CDC itself, influenza (the flu) is listed as a cause of death for just 1,806 people in the US. The big, scary 36,000 number is a result of lumping deaths from pneumonia into the CDC's flu-related death statistic, but pneumonia kills roughly 50 times more people on an annual basis than the flu. And the flu vaccine has absolutely no preventative or protective effect against pneumonia.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Michael Pollan Food and our Future

Michael Pollan Talks- Bioneers conference

If you've ever wanted to hear Michael Pollan (In defense of food and The Omnivores Dilemma fame) talk and not had the chance, here it is. A live recording from the Bioneers conference held in San Raphael, California this weekend. This is Mr Pollan 's Plenary address where he speaks brillantly about issues related to the industrialized food system. Enjoy, and have a look at some of the other conference presentations about healing our relationship to our planet and looking at our relationships to food and the environment while you're there. Some of the wisest cutting edge leaders in sustainability and healing are a click away. Share this with your friends.

You can still hear Michael Pollan’s speech: it’s archived here. He’s introduced by Kenny Ausubel.

Below is link for other talks at Bioneers weekend of OCT 16-18

Also look for Micheal Pollan PBS special OCT 28th on Food